hyggelig is a feeling of cozy, comfy and special.
when i feel hyggelig i feel happy.
this little blog is where i share things that i love and inspire me.
i have came across two great sources of people who want to brighten up the gaps and cracks in their roads and pavements. here is some cool work from van vormann and his many helpers all around the world. i am very inspired and planning to join in this project here in glasgow, scotland. so watch this space......................
and here juliana santacruz herrara has filled the cracks in roads with wonderful bright fabric colours. watch this wee video here showing how it's done. it's fab. so don't be surprised if one day you see me out and about adorning the many potholes, cracks in pavements and walls of glasgow city centre soon, armed with a bag of chunky wool and bits of lego!
i cant put into words how much i LOVE LOVE LOVE mina perhonen. (i have already mentioned a few times!) i love the colours, prints, designs and ideas.maybe one day i will be lucky enough to own something by them. until then i will just swoon at the images from there new shop called metsa (sadly they don't ship outside japan) and enjoy watching their weird but wonderful video.
ive been very down and blue the last while, so much stress in my life right now. i have been searching the web for something to cheer me up and here's what i found.....company work as artists, designers and producers running their own shop in helsinki. could do with the hood and bag for all the rain we are getting today!
Join me to sew and then dye a linen cushion and a set of four linen napkins
using natural indigo.
Just two peop...
[image: maillot bain 10 ans]
maillot de bain garçon de la marque "Jil" made in France
taille indiquée 12/14 ans mais correspond à un 10 ans.
prix: 6 euros +f...
[image: Pip Lincolne bits and bobs]
Saturday 15 February It’s so cool this morning! What an absolute treat. The
hot weather has been wearing everyone out, ...
I had a tired intuition this morning. I walked to work, wistful– thinking
of nameless people I know. People who have drifted away, for one reason or ...
Não vou escrever sobre os malefícios da cultura intensiva e super intensiva
da oliveira porque não sei suficiente sobre o assunto (recomendo por
exemplo a ...
Hello out there. A big thanks to all of you who came down to FELIZ this
past weekend. It was great seeing you and we appreciated the support! Well,
after s...
And he just turned five so these pictures are really late...My mom baked a
cake for him and brought it up to Canada in a box. The candle firework was
a ...
*Good morning lovelies, long time no see! *
*Hope you are well :)*
*I'm uploading this little post to let you know I'm moving to Tumblr. For
years I've ...
Quick! Let's talk about something, anything, other than weddings. Or
flowers. Or my general exhaustion and feelings for both. Herbs? Drying
them? Okay.
I ...
Mais um ano está a chegar ao fim!
*2018* foi um ano que culminou numa grande mudança: o atelier desceu do
segundo andar do número 27 da Rua de Cedofeit...
A birth date illustration with a deer for Lieve. Because the girl was born
in a december month, i’ve drawn winter flowers and plants in. ❄️
Ook een gebo...
Hello December, today snowy and frosty! Here is a list of items with my
illustrations if you are looking for something special for your nearest and ...
Growing up, our house was always stocked with jars of kimchi. We had many
different varieties too, so there was a dedicated kimchi fridge in the
garage. Ba...
Venez nous rejoindre sur la page Facebook de l'Atelier !
Une page consacrée aux thèmes qui nous sont chers : décoration, design,
architecture, tendances....
The final yarn choice for the Acorn and Apricot pattern test for dear Lolla
from o_layarn became this one, i fell completely in love with this in the
I've decided that it's time to move on. I want to thank everyone that has
followed me, left a comment or just simply come to see what I've been up to
over ...
EXCITING NEWS EVERYONE! Bloesem Kids, along with Bloesem Living, is
officially moving to our new integrated online platform, BloesemDesign.com!
We're beyon...
Her er det høy mjaufaktor for tiden! Disse søte kattepusene holder oss med
selskap på kontoret og vi har lyst til å invitere til en liten
Missing our home in Amsterdam this Friday afternoon.. Magazine clutter is
very real.. fix it with this DIY. Any weekend is a good time for a
breakfast part...
[image: http://levestiairedejeanne.tumblr...
A year ago today was a magical day.
Two wonderful people from the opposite ends of this world joined hands in
marriage in front of their closest family an...
As an illustrator or designer, creating a book cover that perfectly
captures the essence of the story and catches the reader’s attention can be
a challen...
It’s time for a check-in with Bear&Bean, my studio where I draw and
embroider custom pet portraits and wild animals—and create ways for you to
do it, too...
I found a pdf of an old interview with Arnol Lobel. You don't see many of
them around, so I figured I'd post it. I put it here cause I didn't want to
put s...
It's that time again! This year, I am offering a huge discount on all
prints (excluding postcards and calendars in all of my shops).
My Black Friday sale e...
After years of neglecting this old blog, it was time to make a move. I have
a blog now at my new home: cosasminimas.com, and I'll try to update it
Well, not officially a cover girl, but it's the closest I'll ever get to it
so I'm claiming it, heh!
I'm more than a little grateful to be sitting here wi...
[image: 20% Off Depeapa]
¡¡¡REBAJAS!!! Consigue un 20% de descuento sólo durante este fin de semana
con el código SUMMER.
SALES!!! Get 20% off during ...
A poem for the woman in the co-op fumbling for an avocado, and for the
right words. Stage 4, she says into the phone. “Now is the time to know
That all t...
This spring is epic when it comes to not blogging but I have simply not had
the time. Between the filming of Maxat, the family that had a lot of small
did you know it is eight years since i started tippity tapping away here
on my shiny happy place. i went way back and found my first post. i really ...
how does that sounds? - no, I think there will be not cheese dancing but
probably the sheep will do it! With the approach of the weekend and the
craft fair...
Very nice weekend with MEG who adopted Flash in the past for WEAR I AM
collaboration as well as this MEG fan.
I'm so happy for all your lovely comments, BIG thank you! I'm happy to hear
you will follow me to my new space.
Here are some pictures that will be t...
Hej, här kommer en hälsning ifrån mig som för hundra år sedan övergav denna
plats, spikade igen den och strök sedan försiktigt, tyst. Jag övergav den
*Relationship of Power and Politics*
Ramlan Surbakti in his book entitled Understanding Political Science,
states that power is a concept related to behavio...
Permainan capsa susun memang seringkali dibandingkan dengan permainan
poker. Hal ini wajar karena kedua permainan ini memang mirip satu sama
lainnya. Per...
As promised: A peek at My Abuelo's Mexican Feast
Just a little over 2 weeks to go until it hits the shops! I'm very excited.
Here are some images to whet ...
Images of the current installation at Mr Kitly gallery.
It is soooo great to have this show.
Ceramics by Bridget Bodenham (Austrtalia) and Yu Kobayashi (...
Hej alla....
Nu finns dom superfina lamporna på lager igen från House doctor. I guld och
Som vi längtar tills vi får riktigt börja "fin" reno...
[image: bola de trapos] [image: bolatrapos2] [image: bolatrapos3] [image:
Do difícil exercício de com pouco fazer muito: uma bola com mais de 7...
With the launch of the new Inkwell site, we’ve moved our *blog* there.
Please come follow along and subscribe to the posts if you use a feed
It was a gloriously sunny day here in Devon today so we decided we needed
to get out and have some fresh air. We asked our daughter where she'd like
to go ...
*My mini mural at Southside Preservation Society*
"*Tine Capsule*", the inaugural exhibition at
*Southside Preservation Society* in Minneapolis.
Local ar...
Unduh VN Pro Mod Apk Video Editor Maker Pro Unlocked All Features Latest
Version HD Quality 1080p Gratis For Android.
VN pro Mod Apk ialah suatu aplikasi y...
My favourite season, back in early April when it was all magical, cheerful
and beautiful. I took the courage to go down to to Nakameguro although fo...
I thought of making these quick and easy stars to add a hint of light to
any Christmas gift, card, ornament, wreath... anywhere really! As usual,
I'm wo...
As I’m finding my voice as an artist (an ongoing process for life!) I’m
looking back through old bodies of work. How did they come along? What was
my inten...
Today one of my favourite French designer - Jacqueline Morabito. With no
doubt she's one of the most talented designer. Here's you've got some
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation can be discovered in all the various states
and the counties within them, and an excellent selection of treatment
methods a...
Since 2007 I've been a blogger. First a more 'sketchbook focussed blog',
later a blog about my work as an illustrator, arts teacher, diy-er and
personal ...
Just a quick heads-up, today is the last day for Little Portrait Christmas
orders to the US. The European and UK dates are also very soon! They are as
I like to stack my washed pottery, to catch the shadows on the wall when a
ray of sunshine sneak through the window, it only happens in sunny late
Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for following us over the years on blogspot - but we
finally have a shiny brand new blog!
From now on, please visit our ...
Stage de céramique: du 29 Juillet au 3 Août
initiation à la pratique de l’argile, 3 dates possible.
objectif: Réaliser sa propre tasse à café ou thé ...
ending the year with a new website, and so the Lila Ruby King blog is
ending at this current location, and moving there as well.
you will find all Lila Ruby...
I’m a bit slow with this, but I have been taking notes and jotting things
Rufus has discovered how to pull himself up on things and loves to st...
Originally posted on Lula's Bazaar - creative and colourful living with a
Scandinavian twist:
What a glorious morning! I’m seeing some new faces here. Welco...
I am very glad to present you a new little collection, it will be available
in my shop from 15th November at 12 a.m (+1GMT). See you there!
Just a quick post to let you know we've re-launched our website for 2015.
We've cleaned out the site so some of the quirks of the old are fixed ...
Latest on Blog Oh! Blog
Free WordPress Theme – Tribute
Posted: 09 Mar 2017 01:51 PM PST
After a very long time, I am bac...
loskaa kengissä, loskaa hupuissa ja loskaa hanskoissa. takatalvi yrittää
heittää loskaa suuhunkin, ikävin aamu aikoihin. yksi ilkeili (minä), osa
itki (pie...
*Snorkeling Seru Menarik di Pulau Karang -* Pulau Seribu memang terkenal
dengan keindahan pantainya yang mempesona. Salah satu pulau yang tidak
boleh And...
Ein geliebter Stoff, den mir eine liebe Freundin mal geschenkt hat (Danke,
Kasa!), der meist auf unserem Esstisch lag, aber mittlerweile ein dunkles
No one likes a home filled with constant noise or uncomfortable drafts.
Whether it’s traffic, barking dogs, or the summer heat creeping inside,
older win...
This is a story about distance, that is a story of resistance, as most
stories worth telling are. It is both a warning and reminder that words
have power t...
Le voilà !!! Encore des petites choses à peaufiner mais on y est presque !
Retrouvez-nous désormais sur www.olivelse.com (ou www.olivelse.fr) (je
Went to Serralves in Porto on my birthday
Saw the first magnolias of the year
A great instalation titled *Narcissus garden *by artist Yayoi Kusama in the...
On this very grey sunday, I'm practicing on drawing garden perspectives for
school. It is harder than it looks! But it really does give a much better
Every once in a while I’ll come across two images I’ve Pinned that go
perfectly together. Today was such a day. left
image: http://www.pinterest.com/paige...
My new *Halla* winter cards are now available in my shop. In Helsinki, you
can also found them from these great places: Freese Coffee Co., Pino and
Cá estou eu de novo a pedir a vossa ajuda! Imaginem estas duas imagem como
sendo serigrafias...Qual destas duas é a vossa preferida? Rosa ou Azul?
These pieces form part of a new series created for the Sydney Contemporary
Art Fair, Australia. Salon Ninety One Gallery will be representing my works
Hey friends and happy weekend! Hope your start to December is going well.
Just popping in here on the old blog to catch up with any followers that
are ...
My Instagram
(this is the closest it gets to this old blog)
My Facebook Page
My Pinterest
My portfolio (English)
Mi portfolio (Español)
My Etsy shop
The very first thing you need to do before you buy the Best Bra is to go
and get a measuring tape. The only way you can get the exact measurement of
To celebrate the 5th birthday of Rob's shop Ryantown this weekend, Rob has
produced five new limited edition lasercuts.
'I Made It With My Hands' is availa...
I found an under-used screen and made a limited edition of these cushions
for the Mid-Century Modern show at the beginning of December. And guess
what? th...
We just finished our first floral residency week of the season here. An
exceptional, uncanny and productive week with an amazing group of students.
Don't know if anyone is hanging around here anymore? If you do, this blog
isn't being updated anymore as I have moved to www.sandrajuto.co - where I
[image: Snow in the mountains]
In the last few days we've gotten a lot of snow here in Munich and its just
stunning to see how it changes the light in our ...
Every Thursday and Friday, I leave my business hat at Skinny laMinx HQ, and
head off to my studio in Salt River, where I close the door, raise the dust
+++ Ça se fête ...
[image: lancement-site-web-10-ans-photo-blog]
Studio Lili la Sardine va fêter ses 10 ans !
Cela valait bien un petit coup de frais...
Here at Sustainably Creative, staying on creative track is as much about
taking care of ourselves at doing our creative work. To do that properly we
need t...
The Bookwheel, invented in 1588 by Italian engineer Agostino Ramelli, was a
heavy, 600-pound wooden rotating bookcase that let scholars easily use up
to ei...
Hello, It's been a while! The start of the year seems to have gone by very
I have been busy with mum life and balancing that with work etc... whi...
*Resep Bihun Goreng Ebi mudah Dan Praktis* – Untuk ibu rumah tangga yang
sudah menanti-nanti lagi sebuah resep masakan baru yang hendak kami ajukan
di sin...
Located on a rocky hill protected by mountains and surrounded by woods, The
Alhambra is considered the most brilliant Islamic architecture in
Europe. It ...
[image: Autumn Woolies Blog at The Red Door Gallery]It’s September and
after a somewhat lack lustre Summer we seem to be heading straight into
Autumn; as...
Remembering this lovely night at Unison's shop in Chicago for the launch of
my Harvest Print collection. I was so pleased my mom, Debra Weiss, could
Midwinter, the perfect time to get the knitting needles out. When the days
are short and they're mostly spent in the office in town, I find that
knitting i...
...this morning strimming with a blade, the grass and brambles are so thick
this year around our farm pond, I had a couple dozen angry ants crawl up
leg, o...
Yesterday I went to a Grayson Perry talk and went away with a Tobyboo doll.
It's been a while since I've made a doll, which makes them all the more
Todas as coisas têm um princípio, um meio e um fim. E hoje é o dia certo
para esse ponto final na história deste blogue, como um livro que se leu e
Many new items were added last month in August, please check all the
wonderful items from Japan!
The latest zines, art cards and cute stickers by Mogu Tak...
[nine // Standing + Being Blessed]
[image: Untitled]
"Let me keep company always with those who say 'Look!' and laugh in
astonishment, and bow their heads...
Seems to be very hard to keep the blog going, why don´t you follow me on
instagram instead? My username is vejacecilia
Photo: Alice Johnsson (vårt nya hem...
Le salon Playtime a inauguré samedi un événement attendu, PlayWithDesign.
Un appel à projets auprès de 10 designers pour décliner en 10 projets le
thème d...
I have great skin. I know this, because on the rare occasion that I do get
a pimple, I realize how lucky I am to have blemish-free skin 99% of the
[image: Wolf, Bear and Lion]
[image: pineapples and Piper]
[image: Pineapples]
Recently made a few new pieces for the shop. A certain bob-tailed cat
The pattern of this sweet koala cushion is also from the Japanese craft
book "Crochet with Sonomono: Animal Cuddle Amigurumi." I knew instantly
when I s...
[image: maart 2025] [image: maart 2025] [image: maart 2025] [image: maart
2025] [image: maart 2025] [image: maart 2025] [image: maart 2025] [image:
maart 2...
And finally The Heart baby blanket knitting pattern is live! I am
incredibly excited to finally my popular blanket pattern available after so
very man...
. I started to wear all black when I was 14 or 15 and I thought I was
really cool. My “Black” period lasted for at least 10 years. I started to
wear less b...
Faute de temps, faute de tout, mon blog marche au ralenti… Mais je garde
les yeux ouverts et ma curiosité aussi. J'essaie donc une nouvelle
interface (pint...